On March 12th, 2021, under the direction of our esteemed District Representative, Brother Conrado Morgan, the first ever Third District Virtual Memorial Service of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., was held. Approximately 386 Brothers, family members and friends participated in this virtual ceremony.
It was sponsored by the Northern Area II leadership council consisting of and under the guidance of Northern Area II Supervisor, Brother Earl Smith Jr., District Chaplain, Brother Pastor Courtenay Miller, and Northern Area II Chaplain and Automation Chairman, Brother Cornelius Beidleman.
The event was initiated and came to fruition through the efforts of the Northern Area II Chaplains and assistants, Brothers David Bonner, Tim Butler, Sanford Crenshaw, Eric Smith, Vince Smithers and Robert R. Smalls. Providing additional technical support with Automation was Brother Kevin Poplar. The event was hosted by the Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter of Fairfax, Va., Northern Area II, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. The ceremony provided the opportunity for all thirty-two chapters in the region to amalgamate and honor our Brothers who have transitioned to The Omega Chapter in the past year to date.
The event commenced at 6:45 p.m as all participants were able to access the link, which provided a musical interlude and pictorial images of our departed Brothers prior to the starting of the event. Promptly at 7:00 p.m., the welcome to all was extended by Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter Basileus, Willie J. “W.J.” Williams, Jr. The rejoinder to the welcome was graciously provided by District Representative Conrado B. Morgan, who recognized and acknowledged all dignitaries in attendance. His acknowledgment was followed by the opening prayer provided by Brother David Bonner( Sigma Mu Mu).
Inspiring renditions of the hymns “Holy, Holy, Holy” and “How Great Thou Art,” were performed by the exquisite second tenor voice of Brother Owen Nixon (Gamma Xi ). This was followed by biblical passages from Psalms 30, Romans 8:14-28, and Psalms 100 by Brothers Vince Smithers (Tau Rho) Brother Sanford Crenshaw (Omicron Kappa Kappa) and Brother Eric Smith (Psi Nu).
The introduction of our guest speaker, Brother Pastor Cozy Bailey, (Pi Iota 1988) was magnanimously provided by Brother Tim Butler (Pi Lambda Lambda). Brother Pastor Bailey spoke explicitly to the effectiveness of our organization to thrive during challenging times. The origin of our Memorial Service mandate and the honoring of others above ourselves, while referencing Romans 12:10 to solidify his point. Sacrifice, solemnity, and self-abnegation are all components of the fabric that are woven into the character of Omega men and paying homage to those who’ve come before us is the highest form of distinction and recognition.
Upon completion of his message Northern Area II Supervisor, Brother Earl Smith Jr. did the honor of presenting Brother Pastor Bailey with our token of appreciation for providing his services, as well as his inspirational delivery of the message. We were more than thankful for the participation of our Grand Basileus, Brother Dr. David Marion who provided us with words of inspiration and encouragement as a portion of his closing remarks.
As we prepared to initiate our service, District Chaplain Brother Pastor Courtenay Miller provided an invocation and call to worship prior to the Formal Memorial Service. Which was conducted by District Representative, Brother Conrado Morgan, District Keeper of Records and Seal, Brother Craig Spraggins and District Chaplain, Brother Courtenay Miller. As we honored nearly fifty Brothers for their distinguished contributions, bridge-building and friendship post their transition to The Omega Chapter. The service concluded with the playing of “Omega Dear” and a moment of reflection, as a simple image of soft clouds gave way to the memory of those gallant Brothers whose presence, in the physical life, has expired but whose legacy shall remain in the archives of Omega for an eternity.
A period for fellowship and reacquaintance was provided post the virtual event, with numerous mentions of well-deserved accolades bestowed upon those who labored for the success of the service. We thank all that attended as our success was contingent upon your participation, and pray that we gave due credence to our Brothers, who now reside in their eternal home, with the Supreme Basileus of the Universe.
For know that they have earned their wings.
Brother Robert R. Smalls,
Northern Area II Memorial
Service Committee Chairman
March 12th, 2021