Fairfax County, VA. 2018 has been and continues to be a great year for the Progressive Psi Alpha Alpha Fairfax County Ques.
The Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter, Third District, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. on the 9th of November 2018, in conjunction with three other local chapters (Kappa Psi, Omicron Kappa Kappa, and Pi Lambda Lambda) kicked off the 2018 Achievement Week festivities. The brothers of Psi Alpha Alpha, conducted a joint happy hour at Jolley’s Restaurant and Lounge in Alexandria, Va. It was a great success, as over 100 people attended. Short speeches of gratitude by each chapter’s representative were given. Hors d’oeuvres and cake displaying all the participating chapter names were provided. The goal of the joint happy hour was to help energize the brothers and give a great kickoff event for all the planned activities of the week as well as have the brother’s network and discuss ideas.
The Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter followed the Joint Happy Hour with another spectacular event on 15 November. The Psi Alpha Alpha Ques attended a joint QFL event. As usual, Psi Alpha Alpha showed up and helped make the event a great success. The event provided another opportunity for the brothers to come together and fellowship.
There were over thirty brothers in attendance at the local Buffalo Wild Wings. Hors d’oeuvres were served while we watched the Seattle Seahawks beat the Green Bay packers in a thriller.
Moving forward, due to the great turnout, popularity, and enthusiastic reviews of the event, we recommend we continue this effort.