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PsiAA Chapter Brothers and Award Winners
On April 12, 2019, the men of Psi Alpha Alpha (PsiAA) Chapter, Third District, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. met with other Third District chapters and visiting brothers, during our annual Third District meeting in Herndon, Virginia.
The Third District meeting was well attended by the Grand Officers (Grand Basileus, First vice Grand Basileus, Grand Keeper of Records and Seal, Grand Keeper of Finance, and Immediate Past Grand Basileus), IHQ leadership and staff, and brotherhood. Additionally, Grand Basileus Marion provided a very informative message outlining the current state and priorities of the fraternity.
The Third District Representative conducted a well-organized and productive meeting. He provided an informative speech regarding the state and future of the Third District. District chairmen presented the committee reports accordingly. District achievement awards were presented. Psi Alpha Alpha chapter and brothers had the honor of receiving the following awards:
- Social Action Chapter of the Year – 3rd Place
- Founders Lifetime Achievement – Marion Barnwell
- Coronel Charles Young Military Leadership – Chester Keller
- Omega Man of the Year – Mike Frazier
Other Award winners:
- Omega Man of the Year (Undergraduate) – Elisha Howard
- Chapter of the Year (Undergraduate) – Beta Delta Delta
- Graduate Chapter of the Year (Small) – Tau Rho
- Graduate Chapter of the Year (Large) – Delta Omega
- Superior Service – Ahmad Andrews – Pi Lambda Lambda
- Basileus of the Year – Jay Allen – Phi Phi
- Youth Mentoring Program Chapter of the Year – Pi Lanbda Lambda
This was a first class event hosted by Sigma Mu Mu chapter. A great time was expressed by numerous brothers and they enjoyed the fellowship.