On September 25-26, 2020, the Brothers of Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter, Third District Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc attended the District's Fall Council meeting. The meeting was held virtually as we are still under the COVID-19 and social distancing environment. On Friday, September 25, 2020, brothers attended the virtual fellowship. The DJ spun the 1's and 2's as the Brothers enjoyed the music from old the new school mix. There were about 100 brothers on the Friday night virtual social. As the sun rose on Saturday, Brothers began to join the meeting. The meeting was well attended as there were approximately 355 Brothers on the Zoom meeting. Brother Conrado B. Morgan, 30th Third District Representative opened the meeting at 8:30am and provided an Omega welcome to all. The 41st Grand Basileus Dr David Marion, provided an excellent summary of the current state and future initiatives of the organization. One of these initiatives is called Black men vote. The Divine Nine fraternities are planning to collaborate on getting an additional 1 million Black men to vote in this year's election. On October 14, 2020 there will be a Town Hall held by the Divine Nine and Derrick Johnson (NAACP President) to discuss getting out the black to vote. 1st Vice Grand Basileus Brother Ricky Lewis encouraged brothers to support the 1000 for 1000 to raise $1 million dollars to support HBCUs, as requested by the 41st Grand Basileus Brother Dr. David Marion. Brother John Howard, Executive Director presented a summary of the IHQ vision and a new initiative called “Be the Bridge” webinar which will focus on Reclamation and Retention. He also reminded the Brothers about the corporate website, SEC process discussion on October 14, 2020, and the Founder’s Day Program will be held virtually.
Brother DR Conrado B. Morgan delivered his report on the state of the District. A few accomplishments included the editing of the criteria for the Omicron Gamma Chapter Student Leaders Memorial Endowment Account Agreement with University of District of Columbia (UDC) on June 15, 2020 (Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. donated $10,000); Assisted in raising $34,313 (#1 District in Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.) and $123,000 for Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. for St. Jude with the Social Action Committee on June 30, 2020, Retention-Chapters continue to retain 80% + of its current membership, and executed a District wide virtual MSP training session with 300 Brothers trained. It was motioned and approved for the Third District to donate $1,000. Other Executive Officer, Area Supervisors, and Committee Chairman reports were provided and received by the Brotherhood.
The Fall council meeting was a huge success with a lot of business being discussed and accomplished. See distributed reports for more details.