On June 5, 2024, Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter culminated our school year 2023-2024 volunteer effort at Walt Whitman Middle School’s (WWMS) Monthly Family Market. This is the chapter’s third year and nineth month supporting this important food insecurity distribution program in Fairfax County, Virginia.
The market is a Capital Area Food Bank distribution program that allows the customers to select from over 20 items such as fruit, vegetables, canned goods, dry goods, etc., set up like a supermarket aisle. Approximately 225 family members are supported by the WWMS market each month. The project is a huge logistical effort on the front end to have all the food removed from several food bank pallets, unpacked, sorted, and placed on tables so the customers can simply walk by and select the food items they desire. Our contribution was to assist the student volunteers, teachers, and other organizations with safety, setup, and supervision.
We were able to provide five veteran volunteers this month: Brothers Philip Benjamin, Bradford Caldwell, Maurice Cogdell, Benzell Floyd, and Kenneth Younger. Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter’s efforts resulted in 55 volunteer hours for the school year and our assistance was appreciated by the school’s Volunteer Coordinator, Community Coordinator, and especially the families.
It’s rewarding to know that our chapter is making a significant contribution in preventing food insecurity in our county and we look forward to supporting WWMS each month in the 2024-2025 school year.

Brothers W.J. Williams and Moe Cogdell working to unload pallets of food.

Brothers Ben Floyd and Philip Benjamin help with some clean-up.