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During the month of April 2020, the Brothers of Psi Alpha Alpha (PsiAA) chapter, Third District, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. conducted a virtual health initiatives event, due to the current environment related to COVID-19 and the stay at home order and social distancing in Virginia. The event was for Brothers to participate and encourage other Brothers to engage consistently in various healthy activities. The event was a tremendous success with 92-chapter Brothers participating. The activities included walk/run, biking, cardio, weight training, abs/core workout, sit-ups/crunches, push-ups, pull-ups, and water intake. The Brothers took full advantage of the tools at their disposal by walking their stairs at home and the neighborhood and biking the city. Outstanding work from the great Brothers of the Psi Alpha Alpha chapter.
"Fighting Trim", these words are especially important during this Covid-19 pandemic. The American college of Sports Medicine states, "For all of us, young and old, regular physical activity is important for staying healthy! Compared to just sitting around most of the time, moderate-intensity physical activity is associated with better immune function. Regular physical activity can help reduce your feelings of stress and anxiety (which many of us may be feeling or felt in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic). Furthermore, the Supreme Basileus tells us in Ecclesiastics 30:15, "Health and good estate of body are above all gold, and a strong body above infinite wealth."
The totals for the month were as follows:
# Brothers Submitted Activity 92 / 141 total 65% of chapter Brothers
Run/Walk 2,345 miles
Biking 1,082 miles
Cardio - 379 hours
Weight Training - 49 hours
Abs/Core workout - 72 hours
Sit-ups/Crunches - 14,876 reps
Push-ups - 20,138 reps
Pull-ups - 301 reps
Water Intake - 282 gallons