~ Bro. Younger and Barnwell & Ms. Kennedy
As the Brothers of Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter, Third District, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., prepared for the Thanksgiving Holiday, we again committed to uplifting two important communities in Fairfax County. The two communities we support annually are South Fairfax County Senior Citizens and Soldiers at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
For over 20 years, Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter’s Social Action Committee has provided Thanksgiving baskets in the form of gift cards to senior citizens selected by the South Fairfax County Program Director, Neighborhood and Community Services, and Fort Belvoir families selected by the Chaplaincy. This year’s project involved providing $240 in gift cards for food to Fairfax County and $300 in gift cards for food to the Fort Belvoir Chapel – for a total donation of $540.
On November 19, 2018, our Basileus, Eric Kelly, Sr., and Basileus Emeritus Marion “Barney” Barnwell made the first presentation to U.S. Army Chaplain (Major) Douglas Weaver, the Resource Manager; and to Chaplain’s Assistant Specialist Levine, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Chaplain Weaver will ensure deserving military families receive the $300.00 in gift cards through the chaplaincy so that they, too, can enjoy a well-deserved Thanksgiving dinner.
On November 20, 2018, at the Gum Springs Community Center, Ms. Cynthia Kennedy, Program Director, Senior’s Program, Department of Neighborhood and Community Services, received our gifts. Present at the donation was Basileus Emeritus Marion “Barney” Barnwell and Brother Kenneth M. Younger, Social Action Coordinator. Mrs. Kennedy was happy to receive our support again this year and will ensure that deserving senior citizens receive our donation of $240 in gift cards for food.
The Brothers of Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter are humbled as we support those less fortunate with $540 in food gift cards for Thanksgiving. We will also be giving another $540 donation to these same organizations for Christmas.
~ Bro. Kelly & Specialist Levine
~ Bro. Barnwell and Ms. Kennedy
~ Bro. Barnwell and Major Weaver